Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited

Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited

Founded in 1999 headquartered in Maharashtra, India.

1999 Nagpur, Maharashtra (India) Active


Basic Data Updated:

3 months ago
Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited (SNGFL) is a Public Limited Indian Non-Government Company incorporated in India on 10 June 1999 and has a history of 24 years and ten months. Its registered office is in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

The Company is engaged in the Animal Husbandry Industry.

The Company's status is Active It's a company limited by shares with an authorized capital of Rs 1.00 Lakh and a paid-up capital of Rs 0.10 Lakh, as per the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) records.


Company Details

  • Location

    Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

  • Website
  • Telephone
  • Email Address
Company No.120265
Company ClassificationPublic Limited Indian Non-Government Company
Incorporation Date10 Jun 1999
Date of AGM-
Date of Balance Sheet-
Listing StatusListed
ROC CodeRoc Mumbai

Financials of Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited


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Corporate Structure


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People in Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited

Board Members


No Directors or KMP associated with company. Upon reviewing the records, we can confirm that there are no Directors or Key Management Personnel (KMP) associated with this company at present.

Charges (Loans)


There are no open charges registered against the company as per our records.

Deals i


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Recent activity within the organization

  • Activity

    Company Incorporation

    Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited was registered on 10 Jun 1999 with Roc Mumbai & aged 24 years 10 months as per MCA records.

    10 Jun 1999

Frequently asked questions

What is the Incorporation or founding date of Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited?

Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited was incorporated 24 years 10 months ago on 10 Jun 1999 with Registrar of Companies Roc Mumbai.

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