Mayur Vihar Iii | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Fixtyre Services Private Limited

    Location Mayur Vihar Iii, Delhi, India

    Automobile Business Services Real Estate

    Fixtyre Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of prepare, derivatives and substitutes, flaps, substances, tractors, miscellaneous repair materials and other articles and appliances, lorries, aeroplanes and also in industrial tires, purchase, motorcycles, tubes and semi tires for different types of vehicles including buses omnibuses, cycles, automobiles, hessian or plastics or products in which rubber, trucks, India rubber, repair, vulcanize, made with or from natural or synthetic rubber its compounds, export, or the same in combination with any metallic substances, press, rayon, sell and to carry on business in tires, rayon, vulcanize, retreat, inner tubes, leather, import, hessian or plastics is or are used.