Kolar Gold Fields | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Kolar Gold Fields? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Jmj Minerals Private Limited

    Location Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka, India


    Jmj Minerals Private Limited is engaged in the business of to purchase, diamonds and precious stones, dig and quarry for gold, ores, mining and offshore rights, take on lease or otherwise acquire freehold and other lands, mineral properties and water rights either solely or jointly with others and to prospect, properties, claims, concessions, natural gas, licenses of or other interest in mines, pump, petroleum, earth and other natural substances, develop and work claims or mines, and the alloys, and mineral properties and exploration rights, underground mining, mines, coal, silver, explore, drill and sink shafts or wells and raise, minerals, organic or inorganic, oil, lease, products or by-products thereof.