Village Mandotri | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Patan Market Yard Private Limited

    Location Village Mandotri, Gujarat, India

    Animal Husbandry Agriculture

    Patan Market Yard Private Limited is engaged in the business to set up, run, seeds, wheat, cereals, establish, processing, oil cakes, juwar, organize and to facilitate the electronic and spot auction, manage, rice, cumin, masur, maize, pricing, condiments, pulses, cakes, produces and products including grains, betel leaves, betel nuts, oil-seeds, mung, spices, groundnut, bajri, handling, rai, storage electronic sorting and grading lines, organize private market yards and to arrange, spot payment for all kinds of agriculture commodities, cotton, fruits, encourage, edible and non-edible oil, flowers, provide, tamarind, promote, packaging, guwar, collection center, sesamum, agro seeds, and vegetables.